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MiSkriBa 2024 - 30 / 04 - An Travyth

Otta ni, bardhonek finek #MiSkriBa 2024! Ha hedhyw an prompt o skrifa bardhonek hag ynno yma'n kowser honaniethys gans gnas a henhwedhel po myth, kaper hag yn bardhonek Claire Scott  “ Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office .” An hwedhel a dhewisis yw drolla Jan Tregeagle , justis a werthas y enev dhe'n jowl hag a dhallathas kowlwul oberennow diboynt ma na via res dhodho bos kerghys gans an jowl. Here it is, the final poem of #NaPoWriMo 2024! Today's pormpt was to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with a character from myth or legend, as in  Claire Scott’s poem “ Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office .” The legend I chose is the story of Jan Tregeagle , a magistrate who sold his soul to the devil and started completing pointless tasks so that he would not be collected. An Travyth My a sinyas gans goos, Yn ynk, nag yn goos, Mes ow goos a skollyav Dhe gollenwul an travyth. Paperyow a wra bern, Ha dhymm ny vern, Rag bern yma res preder Ha dhymm yma’n travyth. My yw ho...
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MiSkriBa 2024 - 29 / 04 - Mergherek

 # MiSkriBa finek saw onan. Prompt hedhyw o devnydhya onan a dheg ger a-dhyworth kanow Taylor Swift. My a dhewisas an ger "mercurial". Fest lowen of gen rythm hag is-styr an onan ma. The penultimate # NaPoWriMo . Today's prompt was to use one of ten words taken from Taylor Swift songs. I chose "mercurial". I'm quite happy with the rhythm, rhyme and subtext in this one (well, in the Kernowek). Mergherek An gwas keherek Yn korf gallojek, Y si akoustek Yw messach kussulyek A vewnans hermesek An tyller anpethek. Gwra viaj kelghek War wastas mergherek. Kan omwithek Yn ollvys howlyek. Mercurial The muscled man In a mighty body, His acoustic hum Is a message of advice The airtight life Of this abstract place. Take an orbital journey On the mercurial plain. A conservative song In this sunshine universe.

MiSkriBa 2024 - 28 / 04 - Sijo

 # MiSkriBa hwath hag otta ow Sijo - eghen a vardhonek Koreanek a gomprehend teyr linen a 14 - 16 syllaben. # NaPoWriMo continues and here is my Sijo - a type of Korean poem that includes three lines of 14 - 16 syllables. An jydh. An jydh yw mes ha'n howl yw tomm war ow diwskodh hag enep, Mall yw genev rewya dehen dybri wosa sopper. Mes dhana y stoppyav, yma'n bys war y benn. Hwath medhow ov. The day. The day is out and the sun is warm on my shoulders and face, I'm looking forward to icing an eat cream after my tea. But then I stop, the world is upside down. I am still drunk.

MiSkriBa 2024 - 27 / 04 - Sonet Amerikanek yn Kernowek

Nyns eus meur a # MiSkriBa gesys dhyn hevlena, mes hwath yth assayav gen an promptys dedhyek. Hedhyw an kynnik o skrifa sonet Amerikanek . Yn sempel yth yw bardhonek a 14 linen ha dell yw usys yma tardh orth y dhiwedh. My a gesskrifas an bardhonek ma yn Kernowek ha Sowsnek, ha lowen lowr ov gen an dhew, kyn nyns ov sur a'm tardh vy, mes otta ow assay. There isn't much of # NaPoWriMo left this year, but I'm still trying with the daily prompts. Today the prompt was to write an American Sonnet. Basically it's a poem of 14 lines that usually ends with a bang. I co-wrote the Cornish and English today and I'm quite happy wiith both, though I'm not sure about my bang, but here's my attempt. Sonet Amerikanek yn Kernowek rann y'm kolon os a wrug ow holon ragov, goos rudh ha kogh ha glas ha gell a liv dhymm a-dhyworthis jy ha'n pols bian rennys yntra dew, yntra tri, yntra milyow ha milvilyow usi ow resek ha strivya dhe wruthyl chons ragov dhe strivya erbynn ...

MiSkriBa 2024 - 26 / 04 - Bwystfil Coed Trefechan

Prompt # MiSkriBa hedhyw o skrifa barhdonek a gomprehend keslytherennans, kessonenieth ha daslevans. Rag hemma, yth erviris skrifa bardhonek yn Kembrek rag chalenj aral ha dhe wirhe tybyans a gevis nans yw pell a-dro dhe euthvil dismygys a ros an mena a-ugh dhe'n treveglos may trigav ynno, hag a gemer levow an dus a'n klow yn unn dhasleverel aga geryow. My re gomprehendyas treylyansow Sowsnek ha Kernowek ragowgh, mes kellys yw an teknegow oll yn anfeusik. The # NaPoWriMo prompt today was to write a poem that involves alliteration, consonance, and assonance. I decided to write a poem in Welsh for a different challenge and to realise an idea I've had for a while about an imagined beast that roams the mountain above the village where I live, and takes the voices of people who hear it mimicking their words. I've included English and Cornish translations, but sadly the techniques have all been lost. Testun # MiSgriBa heddiw oedd ysgrifennu cerdd sy'n cynnwys cyflythre...

MiSkriBa 2024 - 25 / 04 - Lagasow an Prydydh

Prompt # MiSkriba o tamm koynt hedhyw. Govynnys esen dhe skrifa bardhonek selyes war Wovynador Proust . Ytho, ottomma ow bardhonek herwydh nebes an gorthypow a res vy dhe'n govynador ma. Temmik omvarnys yw arta, oups. Today's # NaPoWriMo prompt was a little odd. We were asked to write a poem based on a Proust Questionnaire . So, here is my poem based on some of my answers to these questions. It's a little self-deprecating again, oops. Lagasow an Prydydh A benn mena ryb an gweli Y ponyav, yn-mysk ow fyllel. An folennow gwag yn skeus ti A’m barn a’m odhom heb kowsel. An doust a sav hag y rolyav War bluvek na’m don yn tiek, Hag y’n golghes domm sedhav, Yn ti-goweth klys yn tranjyek. Kelli ow fon yn hwans koweth Usi skrifys yn unikter, Yn tihanow redyav hireth An den a ros an ugheldir. Anwelys ov, yn ti-anal Ow talghenna lyver dhe’m brest, Ha neb arghpedrevan aral A lever ow bos gwell yn kist. Lagasow paper a’m paynt vy Yn liw anweladow ow mir, Hwath y’n lyvennow dhe’m kelli ...

MiSkriBa 2024 - 24 / 04 - 2009

 An 24ves bardhonek! Prompt # MiSkriBa an jydh yw skrifa bardhonek a dhalleth gen an kensa linen a vardhonek aral, ha dhana yth a dhe dyller aral ganso. My a dhewisis an kensa linen a vardhonek  An Jynjy Gesys dhe Goll gen Map Melyn , ha dhana y'n distruis. Pur gerys yw an darn ma genev awos Map Melyn dhe oberi yn treveglos ogas ha'm bro (kynth esa henna nans yw lies bledhen kyn), ha my a wayt y vos awenys gen an tirwedhow bryntin ena.   The 24th poem! Today's # NaPoWriMo prompt is to write a poem that begins with a line from another poem, but then goes elsewhere with it. I chose the first line of the poem The Abandoned Engine House  by Edwin Chirgwin , and then ruined it. I love this poem as Chirgwin used to work near where I grew up (although many years before), and I hope that he was inspired by the fantastic scenery there. 2009 My a gews hep let, my a gan a goll War Lyver Enep dhe deyr eur a-varr Yn diw vil ha naw. My a vir yn-bann, my a verk messach...