Otta ni, bardhonek finek #MiSkriBa 2024! Ha hedhyw an prompt o skrifa bardhonek hag ynno yma'n kowser honaniethys gans gnas a henhwedhel po myth, kaper hag yn bardhonek Claire Scott “ Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office .” An hwedhel a dhewisis yw drolla Jan Tregeagle , justis a werthas y enev dhe'n jowl hag a dhallathas kowlwul oberennow diboynt ma na via res dhodho bos kerghys gans an jowl. Here it is, the final poem of #NaPoWriMo 2024! Today's pormpt was to write a poem in which the speaker is identified with a character from myth or legend, as in Claire Scott’s poem “ Scheherazade at the Doctor’s Office .” The legend I chose is the story of Jan Tregeagle , a magistrate who sold his soul to the devil and started completing pointless tasks so that he would not be collected. An Travyth My a sinyas gans goos, Yn ynk, nag yn goos, Mes ow goos a skollyav Dhe gollenwul an travyth. Paperyow a wra bern, Ha dhymm ny vern, Rag bern yma res preder Ha dhymm yma’n travyth. My yw ho...
# MiSkriBa finek saw onan. Prompt hedhyw o devnydhya onan a dheg ger a-dhyworth kanow Taylor Swift. My a dhewisas an ger "mercurial". Fest lowen of gen rythm hag is-styr an onan ma. The penultimate # NaPoWriMo . Today's prompt was to use one of ten words taken from Taylor Swift songs. I chose "mercurial". I'm quite happy with the rhythm, rhyme and subtext in this one (well, in the Kernowek). Mergherek An gwas keherek Yn korf gallojek, Y si akoustek Yw messach kussulyek A vewnans hermesek An tyller anpethek. Gwra viaj kelghek War wastas mergherek. Kan omwithek Yn ollvys howlyek. Mercurial The muscled man In a mighty body, His acoustic hum Is a message of advice The airtight life Of this abstract place. Take an orbital journey On the mercurial plain. A conservative song In this sunshine universe.