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MiSkriBa 2024 - 27 / 04 - Sonet Amerikanek yn Kernowek

Nyns eus meur a #MiSkriBa gesys dhyn hevlena, mes hwath yth assayav gen an promptys dedhyek. Hedhyw an kynnik o skrifa sonet Amerikanek. Yn sempel yth yw bardhonek a 14 linen ha dell yw usys yma tardh orth y dhiwedh. My a gesskrifas an bardhonek ma yn Kernowek ha Sowsnek, ha lowen lowr ov gen an dhew, kyn nyns ov sur a'm tardh vy, mes otta ow assay.

There isn't much of #NaPoWriMo left this year, but I'm still trying with the daily prompts. Today the prompt was to write an American Sonnet. Basically it's a poem of 14 lines that usually ends with a bang. I co-wrote the Cornish and English today and I'm quite happy wiith both, though I'm not sure about my bang, but here's my attempt.

Sonet Amerikanek yn Kernowek
rann y'm kolon os a wrug ow holon ragov,
goos rudh ha kogh ha glas ha gell a liv dhymm
a-dhyworthis jy ha'n pols bian rennys yntra dew,
yntra tri, yntra milyow ha milvilyow usi ow resek ha strivya
dhe wruthyl chons ragov dhe strivya erbynn bilvilyow
erel. meur ras dhis a'm furvya a bri, hag eskern, ha spit
dhymm yth os a ros dhymm pubtra ha'm maga
dhe gara'n kamm ha kasa'n kamm, kamm, kamm
dhe-ves ahanav rag my dhe dhefolya linen dha gryj
ha dieth ov, rag meth ha sham y skollyav ow anal
yn hweth du kostek hag y hwastyav ow kneus
erbynn rusken onn a rygyow koth a les a-dreus
dhymm yth ov an gwettha rann
y'm kolon.

An American Sonnet in Cornish in English

you are a part of my heart that made my heart for me,

red and scarlet and blue and brown blood flows to me

from you and that small shared moment between two,

between three, between thousands and millions racing and striving

to create a chance for me to strive against billions

of others. thank you for making me from clay and bone and in

spite of myself you are the one who gave me everything and raised me

to love wrongly and hate wrongly, a miss-step

away from me as I pollute the lineage of your belief

as I am a shame, for shame and shame I spill my breath

in an expensive black puff and I waste my skin

against the ash’s bark of old cattle warts that spread across

to me I am the worst part

in my heart.


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