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MiSkriBa 2024 - 24 / 04 - 2009

 An 24ves bardhonek! Prompt #MiSkriBa an jydh yw skrifa bardhonek a dhalleth gen an kensa linen a vardhonek aral, ha dhana yth a dhe dyller aral ganso. My a dhewisis an kensa linen a vardhonek An Jynjy Gesys dhe Goll gen Map Melyn, ha dhana y'n distruis. Pur gerys yw an darn ma genev awos Map Melyn dhe oberi yn treveglos ogas ha'm bro (kynth esa henna nans yw lies bledhen kyn), ha my a wayt y vos awenys gen an tirwedhow bryntin ena.  

The 24th poem! Today's #NaPoWriMo prompt is to write a poem that begins with a line from another poem, but then goes elsewhere with it. I chose the first line of the poem The Abandoned Engine House by Edwin Chirgwin, and then ruined it. I love this poem as Chirgwin used to work near where I grew up (although many years before), and I hope that he was inspired by the fantastic scenery there.


My a gews hep let, my a gan a goll

War Lyver Enep dhe deyr eur a-varr

Yn diw vil ha naw.

My a vir yn-bann, my a verk messach

Yn kesklapp koweth usi'n keth digosk,

Dhywarlinen av.

My a yeun war yew, my a wayt yn taw

Hag ow yonkneth ow kothhe y'n bora,

Howl bysyel a losk.


I speak without hindrance, I sing of loss

On Facebook at three A.M.

In two thousand and nine.

I look up, I see a message

In a friend’s chat who’s sleepless with me,

I go offline.

I crave the future, I silently hope

As my youth ages in the dawn,

A digital sun burns.


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