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MiSkriBa 2024 - 23 / 04 - Neb Eghen a Worour

 #MiSkriBa an jydh hedhyw o skrifa bardhonek a-dro dhe worour. Es, ye..?

#NaPoWriMo of the day was to write a poem about a superhero. Easy, yeah?

Neb Eghen a Worour

Nevra nyns eus anwos warnos,

po branjen dhrog, po terthen,

po kleves marghek.

Denhes gans an bianna brew,

kepar ha letusen bennvelyn

ow sewena war Facebook.

Sawyor an metropolis,

ha tejy ow kwiska gwen wynn,

Yesu spandeks keherek

ow poroga merklys bew.

Ha limosin a'th lew yn tremen

rag ty dhe janjya enep arta.

War grows envi th'esos

gans marth peub ha goos bilen.

Mes pell a'n kameras tontek,

diberthys a'n sens klew,

arghans a as dha akont fughanow

dhe be budh an glawgoos.

Fatel yll drogober hwarvos,

po tybyansow anlowen,

ny yll bos pobel ownek,

rag dhe wellhe'n bys yw?

Den vyth a wel dha lowena

orth sevel war gonna tas.

Wosa oll a wredh gans dha boos

ha nerth dha dhorn a horn,

rag moy yma'n vro nownek

dhe omglowes yn salow.

Hag otta vy hwath ow kovyn:

Prag yma fylm Marvel nowyth?

Some Kind of Superhero

You never have a cold,

or a sore throat, or the flu,

or haemorrhroids.

Humanised by the smallest wound,

like a blonde-deaded lettuce

trending on Facebook.

The saviour of the metropolis,

as you wear a perfect smile,

the muscled spandex Jesus

preaching living miracles. 

And a limousine drives you past

so you can change your face again.

You sit upon a cross of envy

with everyone’s wonder and villain’s blood.

But far from the taunting cameras,

departed from your sense of touch,

money leaves your fake account

to pay the rainforest’s dividends. 

How can crime occur,

or unhappy thoughts,

people can’t be afraid ,

when it’s to save the world?

Noone sees your joy

when standing on a father’s neck.

After all you do with your weight

and the power of your iron fist,

the land hungers still for more

to ensure they feel safe. 

And still I’m here asking:

Why is there another Marvel film?


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