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MiSkriBa 2024 - 10 / 04 - An Amari

10 ha hedhyw y skrifyn bardhonek selyes war onan an lies pennlinen, komik po rann journalyasek koynt a gevir orth Yesterday's Print. #NaPoWriMo 10 and today we are to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print.

 An Amari

Amari yw,
Nyns ywi moy
Es tri fos prenn
Ha daras poos...
Yma onan genev,
Mes nyns eus eskern dhedhi,
Leun a dhillas yw,
Hag eskisyow.
Mes ny styr henna
Nyns esen vy
Trigys ena kyns
Ow mires dre'n krack
Orth bleudhder an bys
Orth bleudhder a vynnsen
Yn tigoweth
Marnas ow hotys koth.
Ye, gwag yw ow amari
Wosa bos leun ahanav
Rag re bell yn tien
Ha vyvy ow kudha
Rag ow holon yn tien,
A longyas lemmel yn lowena
An rydhsys a esedha
Orth moos dhebri
Ow theylu
Ha leverel
"Yth esov omma."
Esewgh hwi
Byth yn amari?
Ass yw skwithus!
Heb kothmans wari
Dhe ranna kevrin
Kepar ha dalgh
An amari.
Mes nyns esa eskern dhedhi,
Ytho y hasis
Hag entra liw kann
Ow chambour
Ha mires der an veister.
Y mirav hwath der an veister,
Y kramblav dredhi
Avel daras.
Nyns usi'n howl
Pub prys
A-ves dhe'm fosow,
Hag y'n kas na
Y hwonn
Y hallav keles
Y'n amari,
Kyn ny vo eskern dhedhi.

 The Wardrobe

It’s a wardrobe,
It’s nothing more
Than three wooden walls
And a heavy door...
I have one,
But it has no bones,
It’s full of clothes,
And shoes.
But that doesn’t mean
I didn’t used to
Live there before
Looking through the crack
At the tenderness of the world
At the tenderness I wanted
Without a friend
Apart fro my old coats.
Yeah, my wardrobe is empty
At last
After being full of me
For all far too
As I hid
From all my heart,
Which longed to jump in delight
Of the freedom of sitting
At the dining table
With my family
And saying
"I am here."
Have you ever
Been in a wardrobe?
It’s so boring!
No playmates
To share a secret
Like the contents
Of this wardrobe.
But it had no bones,
So I left
And entered the birghtness
Of my bedroom
And looked through the window.
I still look through the window,
I climb thorugh it
Like a door.
It’s not always
Beyond my walls,
And in that case
I know
I can conceal myself
In the wardrobe,
Although it has no bones.


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