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Skath-dhraylya an Yukon / Yukon Dredge

Y tevnydhyas skathow-draylya yn arenebedh an Yukon yn Alaska bys y'n 1980ow dhe balas owr a-dhyworth gweliow pollow bian. Hag an skathow ma ow movya, i a vynnsa lyftya'n pri ha'n godhes ha'ga thowlel war-dhelergh dhedhi, ow tivagli'n owr orth mones. Dre wul hemma, i a vynnsa movya desedhans an poll ha balya owr a arenebedh bras. Yma'n bardhonek ma selyes war wydhyow a welis a skath-dhraylya forsakyes, yn unn vreyna y'n tyller may kasas nans yw moy es 60 bledhen. Orth goles an folen ma yma'n gwydhyow a welis a awenas an bardhonek. Dredgers were used in the Yukon region of Alaska until the 1980's to dig gold from the beds of small ponds. As these barges moved, they would lift the clay and sediment and throw them behind it, separating the gold as they went. In doing this, they would move the location of the pond and mine gold from a large area. This poem is based on a video I saw of an abandoned dredge, rotting where it had been left over 60 years before. At the bottom of the page is the video I saw that inspired this.

Ow towlel yn lent pri ha men

Owth arneuvya war fros owr

Dhe lawya rychys a’n kelorn

Ow neshe lewyans duwder 

Mes gen leuv tus y’n tochyas

Hag ev ow kwaynya fortun

Re dhiwedhes byth rag korf koth 

Na welas diner honan

Yn fennleys rewys ow rosya

Dowr teudh dhryft yn tivedras

Y’n skwatt ha gweskel ev gans rach

Dhe lannow hen diskerys

Gweli heylyn segh tewesek

Gen gow pyrit kil-lenwys

A’n ankor ev lemmyn dhe’n tir

Yn-nans yth a y’n lanwes

Beudhys yw an tan marow

Eskern gwrys a furv an poll

Stag yns yn termyn ankevys

Degvledhynnyow a dhe goll

Dastewynnyes yn lynn heb tonn

An prysk re gemeras y ena

Trevesigys yn godhes koth

Nahen yn dowr ow palya

Slowly throwing mud and rock

On gold’s stream floating

Raining wealth with every scoop

Approaching divinity driving

But it was touched by man

As he sought out his fortune

Far too late for an old hulk

That never saw a sovereign

In frozen silt exploring

Melt water aimlessly drifts

It forces and it presses 

Into old fallen banks

A dry and sandy creek bed

Backfilled with pyrite lies

Anchors it now to the land

Down with all the tides

Old cinders are long drowned

Fake bones now the pond line

Decades soon become lost

Stuck in a forgotten time

Reflected in this waveless pool

The brush its soul is taking

Settled in old sediment

No longer waters mining 


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