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Nos Galan / New Year's Eve

 My a skrifas geryow finek an bardhonek ma nans yw teyr bledhen, ha hevlena my a vynnas y worfenna avel darn kowel. I wrote the last few lines of this poem three years ago, and this year I wanted to finish off the whole piece.

Nos Galan

An jydh re hedhis unn weyth finek
rag pols ynter anal ha koskik,
Pan dhiwwynk dewlagas skwithys 
ow mires orth hunros hwansus,
Y hwilons styr nowyth an dordro
ow mones yn sowdhan kammdro.
Yma dhedha seghyer ankveys,
possa gen pub dydh tremenys.
Pystyon a vynn kastya'n Kalan
yn-mysk glyttrans an owr honan.
Korf gwiskys an diwettha our
Na fors an mall po naghans pur.
An bys a lagatt orth y vejeth
Ha gwaytyans an steronydhieth
Rag an howl a sedh orth diwedh jorna, 
ha bledhen nowyth a sav y'n bora...

New Year's Eve

The day has stopped one final time

for a moment between breath and sleep,

When tired eyes blink

looking at a chanced dream,

The search new meaning in the Earth's turn

Veering off as they go.

They carry with them forgotten baggage,

heavier with each day passed.

Fools will try to trick the dawn

amongst the lonely glittering gold.

The dressed-up corpse of the last hour

No matter the pure joy or resentment.

The world looks at the face

And hope in the stars' knowledge

For the sun will set at the day's end,

and a new year will rise in dawn's first light...


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