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Mrs Harris

Nans yw lies bledhen, my a glowas drolla gans mamm koweth a-dro dhe husores bughes leel yn arenebedh Lyskerrys. Hy hanow o Mrs Harris ha, herwydh an drolla, hi o mamm dhe werther bondennow aswonys yn ta y'n dre (an hanow yw klou). Y'n drolla, an tiek a vynnsa pellgowsel gans Mrs Harris ha hi a vynnsa gwellhe bughes jest dre wodhvos yn py ke mayth esens. An drolla ma yw onan an mogha kerys genev ha my a gar an tybyans a dhyski husa bughes - mes ny drovis vy kors hwath.

Yn neb kas, a-is yma bardhonek a skrifis a solempen Mrs Harris ha'n pystri a husa bughes - a pe po gwir po  fals, yth yw hwath drolla hweg.

A few years ago, I hear a story from a friend's mum about a local cattle charmer in the Liskeard area. Her name was Mrs Harris and, according to the story, she was the mother of a local tyre salesman in the town (there's a clue in the name). In the story, the farmer would phone Mrs Harris and she would heal the cows just by knowing in which field there were. This is one of my favourite stories and I love the idea of learning cattle charming - but I haven't found a course yet...

Anyway, below is a poem I wrote celebrating Mrs Harris and the magic of cattle charming - be it true or false, it's still a lovely story.

Mrs Harris

My a wor agas payn
Kyn ny vetson kyns
Ha marnas an tybyans ma
Ny dheun ni war-barth

A'm tyller salow vy
My wel agas tre
Ha dismygi agas klav
Kepar ha klav vy

My a bass y'gas fordh
Ow kwitha'n betyans
Hag assaya a wrama
Dhe ri bewnans dhewgh

My a wannha'n eur
Ow dewlagas yw skwith
Ha hwyhwi a sav arta
Ow tastewynnya

Nyns yw saw unn golon
A rennir gans oll
Hag a hembronk an tekter
A eder omma

My aswon agas payn
Wosa metya kyns
Hag orth ranna'n tybyans ma
Yth eson war-barth


I know of your pain

Although we haven't met

And apart from this thought

We won't come together


From my safe place

I see your home

And imagine your illness

As if it were my own


I pass in your way

Maintaining the beat

And I will try

To give you life


I weaken now

My eyes are tired

And you rise again

In reflection


There is only one heart

Shared by all

Which leads the beauty

That exists here


I know your pain

After meeting before

And by sharing this thought

We are together



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