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Showing posts from July, 2022

Our koll / Hour of loss

Nans yw spys kott yth esen vy owth omglowes nebes isel ha my a skrifas an bardhonek ma orth ordena ow thybyansow. Yth esen vy ow styrya fatel vynnsen vy y dreylya dhe Sowsnek ha gweles an lies styr usi ynno avel y tiskwedhav vy a-is.  A short while ago I wasn't feeling great and I wrote this poem whilst organising my thoughts. I was considering how to translate it into English and saw the many meanings as I've laid out below.   Our koll Pub omglowans usi A'm lenwa genes Awos ty dhe vos Ahanav vy Y'n decken Wosa oos a gerensa An our koll Yw an hirra Hag eev dibenn Hour of loss Every feeling there is Fills me with you Because you are/were/go/went Of/from me In the moment After an age of love The (lost) hour (of loss) Is the longer/longest And it's endless  

A tesinyas denses an kal / If man designed the penis

Nans yw neb mis, my a drovyas gwiasva a dhevnydh jynn AI dhe wul imajys selyes war eryow a rer dhodho. Pandr'a sewyas o an imach a-is hag, a-dhyworth hemma, my a skrifas an bardhonek a sew ynwedh. Yth omwovynnav pyth o an geryow a res vy dhe'n jynn AI...? Around a month ago, I found a website that uses an AI to create images based on key words you give to it. What followed was the image below and, from this, I wrote the poem you're about to read. I wonder what the words were that I gave to the AI...? A tesinyas denses an kalgh Kemeryn hemma Y hevel medhel Ha kowethek Ha koynt? Eus ganso porpas? Yma res y gudha Yma res y geles Yma meth Mes nyns eus meth Pan vo nerth Mes pandr'a wra? Pyth a dhevnydhya va?  Tanweyth Livyow Hirgosk Ogh Ny vynnav vy godhvos Marnas... If man designed the penis Take this It seems soft and friendly and strange? Does it have a purpose? You have to cover it You have to hide it There is shame But there is no shame When there is power But what does...


Kosk yn kres, a dhen koth an nos Gans bejeth nowyth golowhes Ha dons dha loor y'n hunros Termyn a vynn drehedhes Pandr'a hwer dhis, pell y'n vyth? Heb trigoryon dhe witha'n tir Rag arenep loos yw gostyth Dhe elvennow fowt styr Hedhadow dha emlow munys Pella es pub konvedhans Ha ny syns leuv vyth distemprys  Tre nevek dha spyrys sans