Bilingual post, English below.
An Nans Seythyn yw nans ynn yn Kernow Est a dhalleth war amalow Bre Garn ha mos yn-nans dhe'n mor. Yn hwreydhek, yth o an or yntra'n keverangow East ha West Wivelshire.
The Seaton Valley is a narrow valley in East Cornwall which begins on the side of Caradon Hill and goes down to the sea. Originally, it was the border between the Hundreds of East and West Wivelshire.
Mappa Google/Google Map
Mappa 1803/1803 Map
Wivelshire Est ha West yn 1805. East and West Wivelshire in 1805. |
My a vynnas skrifa neppyth yn-kever gwreydhyow henwyn tylleryow y'n nans teg ma. Ytho, my re wrug mappa Google gans nebes kedhlow a-dro dhe leow yn hag a-dro dhe'n Dowr Seythyn - my a wra addya dhe'n mappa ma y'n termyn a-dheu.
Keffrys, yma skeusennow a vappa koth (dhyworth 1803) war an folen ma.
Mappa a Dhowryow yn Kernow Est (dhyworth Wikipedya). Map of Rivers in East Cornwall (from Wikipedia). |
I wanted to write about the origins of placenames in this pretty valley. So, I've made a Google map with a little info on it about places in and around the Seaton River - I'll add to it in the future.
Also, there are images from an old map (from 1803) on this page.
Mappa Google/Google Map
Mappa 1803/1803 Map
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