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Bilingual/Diwyethek: Mappys, an Howldrevel ha'n Yeth Kernowek.

Post diwyethek, Sowsnek a-woles/Bilingual post, English below.

Na wovynnewgh orthiv prag, awos ny wonn, mes seythen ma, my re beu ow mires orth nebes mappys koth a arenebedh Bre Garn yn Kernow Est (keffrys aswonnys avel ow thre, keffrys aswonnys avel an gwella rann a Gernow awos nag ov ragvreusek). Ytho, yma'n mappys a drovis yn Pluwbeder Soth (Pluw Lanngenhorn y'n jydh hedhyw) ha Pluwgler. My a'ga brashas rag diskwedhes an arenebedhow yn-dann hwithrans. Ytho, gesewgh ni dhe dhalleth gans Pluwgler ha'n Nans Govervargh.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Vretennek.

Yn kensa, drog yw genev, mes y fydh res dhewgh skwyntya tamm awos kwalita an mappa. Y hyllir gweles bos Sen Kler treveglos yn 1808 ha bos an eglos ha'y gorflan kres a vewnans leel. Bagas byghan a jiow a yll bos gwelys dhe Helghdir (Venland) ha Krowsverr (Short Cross), an dhew ma a bes dhe vos y'n jydh hedhyw, ha Trenans (Trenant) a grysav y vos bargen tir hedhyw, mes ev re gollas y hanow gwreydhek. Byttegyns, an pyth mogha merkadow war an mappa ma, dell grysav, yw nag usi syght a Drevargh hwath - nyns usi fordh hwath y'n Komm! Hemm yw awos na hwarvia'n Boum Balweyth y'n arenebedh hwath dhe'n pols ma, mes y'n nessa 30 bledhen an arenebedh a vynnsa gweles meur a janjyow awos diwysyansheans ha tevyans an poblans.

Ow mires orth an penn-fordhow usi markeys war an mappa, hag awos yth aswonnav an arenebedh yn pur dha, ev yw diogel dhe leverel bos meur a'n fordhow markyes pur gul ha byghan. Ny via le rag dew vargh dhe bassya, heb tybi yn-kever kerri po kertigow. - My a dyb hemma awos an hyns yntra Trenans ha Reskarasek (Rosecraddock) yw hyns-margh y'n jydh hedhyw, ytho ev yw bedhadow nag yns chanjyes meur a-dhia aga byldyans.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Genedhlek Alban.

Y'n mappa a-ugh a-dhyworth 1886, y hyllir gweles sewyansow an trovyans a gober yn breow Pluwgler. Trenans re janjyas dhe Drevargh (Trevargh Woles hedhyw) ha Komm Trevargh re beu fondyes keffrys - junyes gans an bys efan gans fordh-troos byghan. Ny wonn a-dhyworth le may teu'n hanow Trevargh, mes my a dyb nebes bargen tir koth.

Nas merkadow aral yw an Hyns-horn Lyskerrys ha Karn esa nebes 40 bloodh dhe'n pols ma ha tamm dres hanter-fordh der y vewnans oberi. Ev yw gwiw dhe verkya bos chapelyow yn Trevargh, Helghdir ha Komm Trevargh. I a servyas kuntellyansow aga honan ha markyes war an mappa yns avel "Wes." (Trevargh), "Primative" (Helghdir) ha "United" (Komm Trevargh).

Yma fenten y'n goswik yn Komm Trevargh merkyes war an mappa ma. Gorherys yw gans strethur gerrik vyghan a ro mir koynt hag unnik dhedhi (Skeusen a-woles).

Okay, gesewgh ni dhe dreusi Bre Tredhewi dhe Neyth an Vrann (Crow's Nest). Ottomma'n mappa 1808. 

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Vretennek.

Hemm yw syght pur wag, amalow Bre Garn angreythyes gans jynnjiow, mes yma Hwel Sten an Heyl dhe benn an Nans Seythyn. Nyns usi saw bargennow tir ha'n tavern dhe Neyth an Vrann. Darit (Darite) yw hunros a nesha, hag yn y le yw Hendre North ha bargen tir henwys Downhill.

Remenans a'gan Yeth Koth a yll bos gwelys y'n hanow bargen tir war amal west an Nans Seythyn, Mennadey (Mena du) - Ny allav y redya yn kler, ytho ny allav y treusskrifa yn ta, byttegyns nyns yw hemma posek bys dhe'n nessa mappa. Yma bargen tir dhe'n kledh a apper dhe vos henwys Goolstand - mes yn hwir, hemm yw Goatsland, bargen tir usi ena hwath y'n jydh hedhyw.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Genedhlek Alban.

Pana dhyffrans a wrer gan 80 bledhen! An domhwelans diwysyansek re asas y vark war Neyth an Vran! Downhill re gollas nebes tir dhe valyow Karn West ha'n hensi-horn. Menadue (Mennadey) re dreusvewas hag ev re beu eyl-lytherennys! 

An fenten y'n koos dhe Gomm Trevargh. Merkyewgh an to dresdho.
Yma'n dowr ow frosa a-dhyworth fenten nowyth a ygeris nans
yw 6 bledhen.
An dra vogha merkadow war an mappa ma yw an gwig, Gonamena, war amal an hwel sten koth. Didheurek yw bos hanow Kernowek dhe dyller flamm-nowyth, awos nyns esa bargennow tir po chiow ena kyns. Goon an Mena yw styr an hanow. Martesen ev a dheu a-dhyowrth hanow koth rag an gwelyow, mes da yw genev an tybyans y teuth tus bal dhe'n arenebedh a-dhyworth Kernow West a wodhva tamm a Gernowek ha mynnes henwel an bal ha gwig nowyth y'n Yeth Koth - piw a wor, mes tybyans hweg yw byttegyns.

Menadue a veu restrys war pub mappa bys dhe 1981. An chiow yw ena hwath, ytho my a wra checkya mar kwitha y hanow Kernowek hweg.

Meur ras a redya, my a wayt yth omlowenhasowgh!


Ask me not why for I do not know, but this week I've been looking at some old maps of the Caradon area of East Cornwall (aka, my childhood home, aka the best part of Cornwall by far, not that I'm biased or owt). So, the maps I've found and have been focussing on are of the Parishes of St Cleer and South Petherwin (Linkinhorne these days) respectively and I have then zoomed to the areas I wanted to observe. So, we'll start with St Cleer and the Marbrook Valley.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Vretennek.

So, although you may have to squint a bit, you can definitely see that in 1808 the village of St Cleer existed, the church and churchyard very much the centre of affairs and local life. A small group of houses can be seen at Venland and Short Cross, both of which still exist today and Trenant, which I believe is now just a farm and no longer bears that name. However, the most notable thing on the map, at least as far as I'm concerned, is that the village of Tremar is yet to develop, there doesn't even appear to be any sort of road or walking route along the Coombe. This is due to the fact that the Caradon Mining Boom was yet to happen, but within the following 30 years this area would undergo significant changes due industrialisation and the resulting population growth in the area.

Looking at what appear to be marked as main routes on the map and knowing the area as well as I do, it's safe to say that most of the ways marked on the map will have been barely large enough for two horses to pass at most places, let alone cars and carts. - I base this on the fact that the routes from Trenant to Rosecraddock and from Phillip's Corner to Trethevy's stone are nowadays nothing than narrow bridal ways, presumably little changed from when they were first built. 

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Genedhlek Alban.

So, in the above map from 1886, we can see some of the results of Copper being found in the hills around St Cleer. Trenant has changed into Tremar (Lower Tremar these days) and Tremar Coombe has also sprung up as if from nowhere - joined to the outside world by a lightly laid path or footway, the light dotted line indicates a lesser road to the others near by. The origins of the name Tremar are not too clear from these maps, but it has been suggested (not that I can remember where) that it's name comes from an old farm in the area. 

- In Cornish, the name is Trevargh. Tre - meaning homestead or town and margh meaning horse.

Another very noticable feature is the Liskeard and Caradon Railway, which was roughly 40 years old at this point and just over halfway through its working life. I think it's also worthy to note that by this point, Tremar and Tremar Coombe each had a rather grandious methodist chapel, with a third being between them at Venland. According to the map, they each served a different congregation, Tremar's being listed as "Wes.", Venland's as "Primative" and Tremar Coombe's as "United". All three of these buildings still exist and are private residences.

One last thing about the 1886 map - In the woodland in Tremar Coombe a spring is listed. It is covered with a small stone structure which gives it an odd and unique appearence (Photo at the end).

So, if we cross over Trethevy Hill, to Crow's nest, this is what we see in 1808.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Vretennek.

This is a very empty scene with sides of Caradon remaining relatively unscathed, bar the tin streaming works at the head of the Seaton Valley. Other than this there is no sign of mining and instead of villages and hamlets, there are only farms (and the pub at Crowsnest, of course). Darite is an ever nearing dream, only existing as North Hendre and there appears to be a farm called Downhill.

Remnants of the 'Old Tongue' can be seen in the name of one small farm on the west side of narrow Seaton Valley, namely Mennadey - I can't read it very well to transcribe, however that is irrelevant as we will see in the 1886 map. To the left is another farm which on first inspection appears to say something like Goolstand - however, this is in fact Goatsland a farm which still exists but no longer goes by this name - sadly.

A-dhyworth an Lyverva Genedhlek Alban.

What a difference eighty years can make! The industrial revolution certainly had its way with Crowsnest. Downhill has lost some of its lands to the West Caradon Mine and the railways. But luckily Menadue (Mennadey) has survived and been respelt! We can now say with certainty what it is and what it means: Mena - hill; du - black - 'Black Hill'.

The most notable thing about the map here can be seen at the very top in the centre on a new-ish settlement, namely Gonamena, located by the old tin works, I find it interesting as this is a completely new area, there were no prevous farms or houses on the moorland here, and yet it bears a very Cornish name. Goon - moorland; an - the/of the; Mena - hill - 'Moorland on the Hill' or 'Raised Moorland'. Perhaps this comes from an old name for one of the fields there, but the version I prefer - without doing any research whatesoever - is that miners from West Cornwall, who at the time may well have had some dormant Cornish (perhaps their grannies had spoken it with them and they could remember some words), came to the area and named their farm and mine in the 'Old Tongue' - who knows, it's a nice thought nevertheless. 

Menadue was still listed under this name consistently on every map right up until 1981 and the farm is still there today. I hope it still proudly carries its Cornish name, yet something else I shall check when I'm next in Kernow hweg!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

The spring in the woods at Tremar Coombe. Note the cover across it.
The water is from another spring which has opened up more recently.


Lyverva Genedhlek Alban:

Lyverva Vretennek:

Old Maps:


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