(English below)
Ny wrav vy deskrifa oll an drolla 'ma lemmyn awos ow bos pur sur y hwodhowgh hwi an faktys seulabrys, mes:
Governans Pow Sows re hedhas pub skoodhyans arghansek rag an yeth Kernowek wosa 13 bledhen.
An dewis 'ma a dheuth dy' Yow seythen 'ma wosa Konsel Kernow dhe dhannvon y ombrofyans bledhynnyek rag an arghasans a £150,000 a-varr y'n vledhen .
An yeth Kernowek re beu gwithys gans an Chartour Europek rag Yethow Ranndiryel po Bian a-dhia 2003, pan skoodhyans arghansek an governans a dhalathas.
Hwi a yll sina petisyon erbyn an dewis 'ma omma:
Mes an hwarvos 'ma re wrug dhymm tybi a-dro dhe ble ha fatel yma'n governans Breten ow kwastya arghans ha pygemmys mona yw hemma? Awos ny gyv an yeth Kernowek saw £150,000 an vledhen, po dhewgh ha dhymm, pris a nessa chi y'n Kernow dhe lower a bolitegoryon...
Wel, nyns esa res dhymm hwilas yn lower.
Herwydh an Daily Mail (Yuck! My a wor.) ha Nowodhow Sky (temmik gwell) yn 2013 (kevrennow a-woles), neppyth avel £120 bilyon! (£120,000,000,000)! Ytho 1,000,000 gweyth moy na re an governans dhe'n Kernowek pub bledhen. Gesewghvy dhe leverel henn unnweyth arta.
Yn 2013, an governans Breten a wastyas moy es MILYON GWEYTH bri an skoodhyans arghansek rag an yeth Kernowek y'n unn vledhen!
Da lower, ple'th eth oll an arghans 'na..? Gesewgh ni dhe vires orth nebes ensamplys (dhyworth 2013).
(English below)
Ny wrav vy deskrifa oll an drolla 'ma lemmyn awos ow bos pur sur y hwodhowgh hwi an faktys seulabrys, mes:
Governans Pow Sows re hedhas pub skoodhyans arghansek rag an yeth Kernowek wosa 13 bledhen.
An dewis 'ma a dheuth dy' Yow seythen 'ma wosa Konsel Kernow dhe dhannvon y ombrofyans bledhynnyek rag an arghasans a £150,000 a-varr y'n vledhen .
An yeth Kernowek re beu gwithys gans an Chartour Europek rag Yethow Ranndiryel po Bian a-dhia 2003, pan skoodhyans arghansek an governans a dhalathas.
Hwi a yll sina petisyon erbyn an dewis 'ma omma:
Mes an hwarvos 'ma re wrug dhymm tybi a-dro dhe ble ha fatel yma'n governans Breten ow kwastya arghans ha pygemmys mona yw hemma? Awos ny gyv an yeth Kernowek saw £150,000 an vledhen, po dhewgh ha dhymm, pris a nessa chi y'n Kernow dhe lower a bolitegoryon...
Wel, nyns esa res dhymm hwilas yn lower.
Herwydh an Daily Mail (Yuck! My a wor.) ha Nowodhow Sky (temmik gwell) yn 2013 (kevrennow a-woles), neppyth avel £120 bilyon! (£120,000,000,000)! Ytho 1,000,000 gweyth moy na re an governans dhe'n Kernowek pub bledhen. Gesewghvy dhe leverel henn unnweyth arta.
Yn 2013, an governans Breten a wastyas moy es MILYON GWEYTH bri an skoodhyans arghansek rag an yeth Kernowek y'n unn vledhen!
Da lower, ple'th eth oll an arghans 'na..? Gesewgh ni dhe vires orth nebes ensamplys (dhyworth 2013).
- Menystrans a Dhefens a spenas £22 war vollen wolow.
- Menystrys a spenas moy es £3,000,000 war desennow kales ha £45,000,000 war daksiow.
- An Chi Tre (Home Office) a spennas £427,000 war bellennow a lus gwedhyn na yllas bos devnydhyes gans an kreslu.
My a alsa durya an rol 'ma, mes hwi a yll redya moy y'n artiklow aga honan.
Ha nyns yw an yeth Kernowek an unn kaws da eus ow pos kisyes gans an governans. Yma'n doktours bacheler ow turya batalyas orth Westminster rag ourys oberi moya teg ha'n Servis Kenedhlek Yeghes ow pos lehes ha privedhhes yn kettermyn. - Mes an politegoryon a dhur kavos moy a wober... Heb dout.
A nag ywa gwell dhe ri arghans dhe gawsys da? Dhe witha agan ertach ha dh'y dhiogeli rag an termyn a dheu?
Nyns esov vy ow leverel y kemer an yeth Kernowek les dres kawsys erel, hepken y vos neppyth talvedhys y witha, yn arbennik yn termyn a janj avel hemm.
Ytho, res yw dhyn gul neppyth erbyn an desedhans 'ma dhe sawya agan gwlas ha'gan Kernowek a'gan governans ha'y vobbys politek. Gesewgh ni dhe dhalleth domhwelans dha witha agan yeth ha'gan gonisogeth.
Meur ras a redya hemma. Mars yma nebes kammgemmeryansow gans an faktys po gans ow Hernowek a-ugh, gesewgh vy dhe wodhvos.
Kernow(ek) bys vykken!
Kevrennow: (dhyworth 2010).
I'm not going to describe the whole story here as I'm sure you all know the facts already, but:
The English government has stopped all funding for the Cornish language after 13 years.
This decision came on Thursday this week after Cornwall Council submitted its yearly application for £150,000 of funding for the Cornish language earlier this year.
The Cornish language has been protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages since 2003, when the government's financial support began.
You can sign a petition against this decision here:
However, this decision has made me think about where and how the British government wastes money and how much this money actually is as the Cornish language gets only £150,000 per year, or to you and me, the price of a second home for many politicians in Cornwall.
Well, I didn't have to search much.
Accroding to the Daily Mail (yes, awful, I know) and Sky News (a little better) in 2013 (links below), roughly £120 billion! (£120,000,000,000)! So, 1,000,000 times more than the government gave the Cornish language each year. Let me say that again.
In 2013, the British government wasted more than ONE MILLION TIMES the value of the financial support for the Cornish language in the same year!
Okay, where did all this money go..? Let's look at some examples (from 2013).
The English government has stopped all funding for the Cornish language after 13 years.
This decision came on Thursday this week after Cornwall Council submitted its yearly application for £150,000 of funding for the Cornish language earlier this year.
The Cornish language has been protected by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages since 2003, when the government's financial support began.
You can sign a petition against this decision here:
However, this decision has made me think about where and how the British government wastes money and how much this money actually is as the Cornish language gets only £150,000 per year, or to you and me, the price of a second home for many politicians in Cornwall.
Well, I didn't have to search much.
Accroding to the Daily Mail (yes, awful, I know) and Sky News (a little better) in 2013 (links below), roughly £120 billion! (£120,000,000,000)! So, 1,000,000 times more than the government gave the Cornish language each year. Let me say that again.
In 2013, the British government wasted more than ONE MILLION TIMES the value of the financial support for the Cornish language in the same year!
Okay, where did all this money go..? Let's look at some examples (from 2013).
- The Minestry of Defence spent £22 on a light bulb.
- Ministers spent more than £3,000,000 on biscuits and more than £45,000,000 on taxis.
- the Home Office spent £427,000 on rubber bullets which the police couldn't even use!
I could continue this list, but you can read more in the articles themselves.
And the Cornish language isn't the only good cause being damaged by the government. The junior doctors are still fighting Westmister for fairer working hours whilst the NHS is still being reduced and privatised. - But the politicians still get pay rises, of course...
Isn't it better to to give money to good causes? To protect and seccure our heritage for the future?
I'm not saying that the Cornish language takes precedent over other causes, just that it is worth protecting, especially in times of change such as these.
Therefore, we have to do something against this situation to save our language and our Cornish from our government and its political idiots. Let's start a revolution to protect our language and culture.
Thanks for reading. If there are any mistakes in the facts or my Cornish (above), let me know.
Kernow(ek) bys vykken!
Links: (dhyworth 2010).
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