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Showing posts from January, 2023

Krash dhe Snelder Warp 2 / A Crash at Warp Speed 2

Treweythyow y hevel pubtra dhe dhos dhis dhe'n keth pols: gwask y'n ober; ordena taklennow personel; kedrynna gen tus y'th bewnans; ha moy. Yth yw kepar ha bos an bys ow fistenna ryb dha denewen ha tejy ow kelli dha le y'n ollvys. Res yw perthi kov nag esos yn drama efanvos ha dhe gemeres pub tra yn y dro.  Sometimes everything seems to come at the same time: stress at work; organising your personal life; quarrels with people in your life; and more. It's like the world is rushing by as you lose your place in the universe. You have to remember that you aren't in a sci-fi drama and to take every thing in its turn. Krash dhe Snelder Warp 2 Ny welson ni ha hwi ow tos Heb son, po gik, po mik Yn gwagva dhiben efanvos Ny glowson agas skrij Ow kleudhya kowfordhow y'n vayl Yn-dann arenep termyn Le may hwer oll onpossybyl Ow kestava hag omwovyn Dhe dhiwweyth snelder golow 'feu Ow tava skeusow yowynk Tarosvanow an spys a dheu yth eson on ni a-lemmyn A Crash at Warp...